Simple tool that works like magic.

Simple, Innovative and powerful solution for construction management.

Cutting-edge features for advance construction management

An innovative powerful tool for enhancing efficiency and reducing manual tasks in construction management.


Planning is pivotal, not only in construction but in everything. Without effective planning, work lacks efficiency. That's what we offer proper planning for successful project.


Supervision is the compass that keeps projects on track. Without it, we risk losing sight of progress and potential delays. Our supervision features help to streamline progress tracking.


Measure what matters with our analytical features. Gain vital insights for improvement and maximum efficiency through data-driven decision-making in project management.

Smart Project Planning

Achieve unparalleled efficiency by optimizing resource allocation, staying committed to timelines, and executing micro-level planning with dependencies and risk management.
Allocate resources efficiently
Plan with precision, including dependencies
Manage risks effectively
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Effortless Site Management

Simplify site management with features like task creation, real-time work progress monitoring, and attendance tracking for efficient and streamlined operations.
Create tasks with ease
Monitor work progress in real-time
Streamline attendance tracking
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Manage your Budget

Maintain control over project expenses by comparing estimated and actual costs, and gain insights into daily expenses and resource utilization
Compare estimated vs. actual costs
Monitor daily expenses
Gain insights into resource utilization
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Reporting made easy

Measure what matters with Buildsuite's easy-to-use reports. You can filter, export, and drilldown on the data in a couple clicks.
Create detailed project reports effortlessly
Access daily activity reports
Retrieve progress reports instantly
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Versatility at Your Fingertips

BuildSuite offers a versatile solution to cater to your construction management needs wherever you are. Available on multiple devices, ensuring accessibility and ease of use for all.

User friendly

Navigate projects, access reports, and communicate effortlessly with our user-friendly solution—no extensive training needed.


Experience inclusivity with our multilingual features and accessibility options. We optimize for larger text and high contrast, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.
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Our mobile app empowers site professionals to access vital project data and tools directly from the site, enhancing real-time updates and on-site efficiency.

Document Access

Centralize and access important project documents effortlessly. Whether you're in the field or in the office, you can  share and access critical documents easily.

#1 Management app for Construction

Crafted from expert's invaluable input, for construction's specific needs. Buildsuite provides you with the guidance, data, and innovation you need to excel in the construction industry
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How it works

BuildSuite In Action

Project Kickoff

Effortlessly create new construction projects within our user-friendly interface. Add tasks and milestones, providing clear project structure.

Track Progress

Update task progress in real-time, keeping your projects on track. Instantly identify and address any delays or issues.

Empowering the Workforce

Allocate tasks efficiently to your workforce for balanced workloads. Streamline attendance marking and payroll processing for your team.

Control Over Costs

Monitor project expenditures continuously and identify cost overruns. Perform detailed delay analysis to pinpoint causes and prevent future issues.

Material Mastery

Keep track of material usage and costs for efficient inventory control. Access comprehensive financial insights to estimate project costs

Reporting Made Easy

Generate comprehensive reports effortlessly, saving time and effort. Say goodbye to complex spreadsheets and manual works.